Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Creative Space

No, my dearest readers, I have not forgotten. I know I am yet to post the photos of my previous market table from the Northside Makers Market especially after my lengthy discussion on how my setup should be like. The photos are forthcoming, I promise!

With our next market coming up on Sunday, I've been hard at work creating more items! Have a look at today's creative space:

Aren't they adorable? They are little brooches for the little people and for those young at heart, guranteed to bring laughter and joy into your day. At a very low $2 dollars per little girl, you can pick up one for your very self if you come by and have a visit at Yarraville market! The poster is on our side bar if you'd like to have a look at the location details.

I have more that's been flying out of the creative space today but they require some more tweaking, so I'll show them tomorrow. Here's a little hint: ear studs. Whee!!



  1. ooh shoooooo cute!!! i like the dolls!! hai...why i dun stay there~~

  2. Lots of cuties here!! Very sweet xo

  3. those are soooo adorable!they brought a smile to me today. thanks :)

  4. They can put a smile on anyone's face..So cute!!!


I love to read comments and chat, so please do leave me some titbits! Thank you so much for adding that little bit of sparkle into my day. Hopefully my blog post added some into your day as well.


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