Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st of December, can you hear the bells?

Image by Amy Adams

That breathless feeling..

The pounding heart..

Clutching your letter to my chest, I tried to stop my head from spinning so fast.

Could it be? Can it be? Perhaps it really is true?
Dare I believe.. that christmas is finally coming round again?

It's the 1st of December! The month of christmas! Are you ready? Are you set? Have you dug out the christmas decorations?

Christmas will be a quiet affair for me this year, but I'm going to make the most of it by living my life to the fullest for these 25 days. Just in case, I haven't done so for the past year or so *winks*

So tonight I'll be off to the drive-in with my friends, to watch a few movies. See you on the flip side!

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