Nope, I've not forgotten that this segment exists! I have had to do some minor reshuffling of the schedule of artisans but here's a complete surprise for those with little toddlers and young children!

With us today we have Sanchia from Little Red Wagon Kids
Sanchia is a lovely fellow DUSTer who resides in Sydney, Australia. She makes the most delightful children wear and swim wear that I really really wish came in my size! Children wear that embraces the imagination and embodies the joy and fun of childhood. Her range tends to be contemporary and playful with her fabric choices ranging from wild to amazingly colourful. Much like the imagination of a child, isn't it?
Sanchia was kind enough to take time out to answer a few questions for us, so do read on to learn more about the woman behind these fantastic pieces of work! I must warn you though, Sanchia has an amazing sense of humour. This may be a long read, but trust me, it's definitely worthwhile!

Teeny Weeny Sea Breeze Blue Little Splasher
Who are you and what do you sell?
My name is Sanchia and at present I'm a Mum to two "free-spirited" little girls. They were called "wild" once by a woman in the shops, but I prefer the term "free-spirited." Needless to say she was put in her place with a witty comment! I'm also a partner to a Dutchman, a domestic engineer, a chef, a cleaner, a nurse, a peace negotiator, an accountant, a receptionist, a taxi driver, a teacher, an entertainer, wanna be disciplinarian and....a sewer. So I've been at home for 4 years now and starting to go a little stir crazy. As much as I think my girls are smart, they don't really offer much in terms of intelligent conversation. So, after much encouragement I've started making and selling bright, playful easy-wearing children's clothing and swimwear on-line.
What inspires you, what acts as your muse?
I find Kids in general are inspiring. I love that they can make anything out of something. I love their imagination and how they view the world. I love clothing ranges such as Oilily, Big by Fiona Scanlan and Oobi. On a creative artistic level I have always loved Vincent Van Gogh, Monet and my Grandmother, who is a very talented painter and my mother who is also an artist and designer (she owns "Red Brolly"- if there are any quilters and stitchers reading this).
What does your creative space look like?
I have to laugh...my "creative space" involves a kitchen table, a sewing machine called "Millie" and my Living room!!!! And any spare cupboard, under bed space, nook and cranny I can find to store things. It can be very chaotic and very frustrating! Especially since I think I am a good candidate for Alzheimer's on most days.

Cranberry Crush little Splash
What makes you tick?
I love Elvis! I grew up watching Bill Collins Sunday afternoon movie sessions and loved Elvis movies. Before kids, I was a Year 6 teacher living in Bondi. I used to be one of those mad people up and running laps of the beach in the sand at 5am! I absolutely loved it. I'm still up at 5 these days, but just a different alarm- my kids are early risers. I love travelling. I've lived in Ireland for awhile, Edinburgh for a lot longer while (twice actually) and we moved to Holland for a what was intended to be a long while, but a pregnancy changed things. I still have itchy feet to this day...it's the longest I've stayed put in one spot. I grew up in the country with 3 brothers, several cats, many dogs (that kept running away), a rabbit, a few quails, budgerigars and my 5 cousins living next door-all boys. My Mum, at the time, was the visual arts teacher at 3 local primary schools, so she always made sure there were creative, crafty, arty things to make and play with in the house. I'm proudly Australian, I love summer, the beach and the Australian lifestyle. When I 'm not doing any of the above, you'll also find me selling potatoes! My Dad is a farmer and sells potatoes at Farmer's Markets, namely Eveleigh in Newtown and the Good Food and Wine at Pyrmont in Sydney and I help him out on weekends.
Tell us about your proudest achievement, your personal best!
Most proud of in my crafting/art life is when I was teaching, my classes art murals and sculptures being on display around the school grounds and being asked to paint a mural with my class for the National Maritime Museum for an exhibition and create an artwork for the local council. I'm also proud, and very nervous, to be selling on Etsy and Madeit. My personal best achievement?? There's a couple, firstly packing up my bags at the age of 22 and backpacking to Ireland to live, travelling through Finland on my own!! Not sure if this was brave or foolish. And, corny I know, but (sorry if I gross anyone out) but giving birth without drugs.

Hearts and starbursts Reversible Pinafore
Complete these sentences:
I love: dark chocolate, mint (preferably both together), mojitos, red wine, Elvis (of course) actually any music, sewing, painting, lemons, spots and stripes and the thinkings behind the power of "positive thinking"....just wish I could adhere to it!
I cannot live without: mint sauce, and if I can't get mint sauce...brown vinegar. I believe it's the perfect condiment to almost everything. Is this where I put my partner, kids and family and friends??? :)
I hope: that my girls never have to worry. Having lived on 1 income for 4 years, it's not fun, and so I hope my girls never have to worry and have the options and sources available to do whatever their dreams are.
When I grow up: I want to travel. Italy is next on the wishful thinking list, with a stop over to Holland to visit the in-laws.
What do you like about the crafty/artsy world?
Everywhere is inspiration. I'm in constant amazement and in awe at how creative people can be.
Where can we get more goodies from you?
At the moment I live at www.littleredwagonkids.etsy.
Now wasn't that just amazing? I love Sanchia. Her answers just blow me away!

We wouldn't let you walk away empty handed, especially after having stayed with us till the end!
Sanchia has been ever so generous and is offering up a Pineapple and Raspberry Sorbet Spotty (children size) to one lucky winner!

Pineapple and Raspberry Sorbet Spotty
How cute is that? Sanchia is able to make it for a range of sizes from 9 months to 3 years old! How's that for awesome?
So how do you win this? It's simple really and here's how:
The question is:
Do you have a story or have heard a story involving a bicycle, billy cart or a little red wagon?
Share it with us and the best story wins!
This step is compulsory
After you have answered the above question, to obtain extra entries you can do the following:
For 1 extra entry: Follow this blog either through your feed reader or via the Google Friends Application. Please leave a comment saying you have done so / am already following.
For 1 extra entry: Go to Little Red Wagon Kids and heart Sanchia's shop!
For 5 entries: Purchase anything from Little Red Wagon Kids
For additional entries (worth 1 each), you can:
- Blog about this entry. Remember to leave a seperate comment with the linkback.
- Tweet about this entry. Remember to leave a seperate comment with your twitter name.
This giveaway will end 16th November 2009, 10am Melbourne time. The winner will be announced on the following Waltzing through with Talent post.
So why wait? Get cracking and you could be that lucky winner!
Would you like to be considered for this feature? Send me an email at petite.valse (at)gmail.com and tell me why you'd like to be in the feature!

Sorry, I don't have any billy cart or wagon stories :( but there was the time my friends tried to teach me to ride a bike and I went whizzing down their street only to end up with a close encounter with their neighbour's letterbox (yes, I'm unco).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I know my post doesn't count as an entry - I really just wanted to say how much I LOVE Sanchia's work. She uses the most gorgeous fabric and has the sweetest designs. :)
A bike story here too, (though I grew up with a great billy cart we would ride on the wild slope at the back of the railway station at the end of our street - what was my mother thinking).
ReplyDeleteMy DD who was 8yo at the time, got a bike for her birthday. It came packed in a box and thinking myself handy, I decided to put it together and not wait for DH to get home from work. It went together no problem. Until DD took it out the front on the footpath to ride. She went flying along towards the bus shelter down the road and turned the handlebars to go around. And they turned very nicely, unfortunately the wheel didn't and she had a speccy crash and a grazed knee leaving me very guilt-ridden. Years later we all laugh but I cannot live it down. It always comes up when there is something needing to be put together!
Thanks for the giveaway! When I was five I got my first 2 wheel bike...with training wheels of course. The first day out on the sidewalk at the apartments we lived in, the training wheel got caught on a step and I fell over. Still remember that! I ended up with about 2-3 stitches on the top of my right thigh, just above my knee. Guess that is not so exciting but, on and off, over the years when people ask how I got my scar (it has stretched to 2 1/2" being on a muscle) I like to kid people that I was attacked by a shark!!! Da na nana nana! Makes for great convo!!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI will follow your blog too now!!!
Hi, The only story I cant think of is this. My son was given a plastic red wagon filled with sand/beach toys for his birthday. For weeks and weeks after that he pulled it all around the house following everyone - pretending that he was a shop keeper. He would constantly ask us what we wanted to buy from his wagon, I would always choose the plastic shoe. One day my sister came to visit, he asked what Aunty would like to buy, and unbeknown to me she chose the shoe. When Tom asked me what I wanted to buy and I said the shoe, he was devastated he had already given it away, it was so cute , he didn't know what to do!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm now a follower :)
ReplyDeleteI've added Little Red Wagon Kids as a favorite in Etsy :) (I think thats how I heart them)
ReplyDeleteOhhh I love her stuff! Now to find a child.....hmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteI was having a dinky ride with my brother on a family holiday on an island where cars were not allowed. So travelling by bike was the way to go. Being one of 13 children we had to all share so if I didn't want to walk you got a ride with one of the older kids. Anyway my brother decided he would try to scare me and started to wobble all over the road only he hit a rock and we ended up on the road. My foot went thru the spokes and I had to have the spokes cut so they could get my foot out us the spokes went thru my foot. 40 years later I still have the 2 scares. My brothers only concern was for his wrecked bike. Boys I don't know.